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Thursday, May 8, 2014

It delights my soul to see people hungry for more of God. Father just as the deer that panteth for water by the water brook, Lord my soul pants for more of you. Ps 42:1 Father, you are an overflowing fountain of life. You are a well that never runs dry. Father it is you alone whom is able to quench my every thirst. Father help me to wait on you, to know your voice, hear your voice and to listen. Father sync my heart with your heartbeat that my heart, will forever beat after yours. Father quench my thirst for you as I enter into your presence and worship you. Father draw me unto you, draw me all the more that I may forever be in and near your presence. Lord let me walk upright before thee that I may please you. Father just as Esther saved a nation because of her obedience, let me be obedient to you for your word says, obedience is better than sacrifice. Father poor out your spirit upon me; that as I lay down my life, others will be saved. Let the evil of this world forever be broken and banished back to the pit of Hell! Father may your kingdom be lifted in the earth rim and may your kingdom rule forever and ever. My brothers and sisters in Christ keep the faith. Reference scriptures KJV Isa 58:11, 55:1 JN 4:14, 6:35 7:37 Joel 2:28 Acts 2:17 1 Sam 15:22

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Check yourself!

Many times in this walk with Christ we as Christians forget that we are not perfect yet we are so worried about cleaning the speck out of our brothers and sisters eye that we often forget to make sure that our walk is upright. It is so easy to get entangled with the lives of others that we actually miss what God is trying to do in our very own lives. If we would stop concerning ourselves with what other people are doing maybe, we can see that our robe, which should be white, is spotted with specks of dirt all over. Instead of praying about our brother and sister in Christ we began to talk about them, back bite and put our own spin on the matter when we should take the matter to God and leave it there. Who are you to say what is right or wrong in another’s walk with Christ. If they are veering to the left, pray for them and talk to them. We get in trouble with God and make the situation worse when we open our mouth and begin to add our own twist to the matter. At the end of the day, we would have spread a whole bunch of lies and caused a lot of rumors to be spread. Is that what God has called us as body of believers to do? Be contenders for the kingdom of God, stop destroying the kingdom. People of God we have got to get this thing right. We have got to put our own selfish agendas aside and really live a life poured out. When was the last time that you helped someone give their life to Christ? Instead we are making those that need and want Christ run from him. Do a shelf check today. Stop checking everyone else and check yourself. What’s the condition of your walk with Christ? Reference scripture KJV Luke 6:42 Matt 7:3-4

Monday, May 5, 2014

Keep your Focus

There are many things in life that come to shift your Focus on what appear to be the direction the Lord has orchestrated for you. Stay the course, don’t forge ahead and turn to the left for what appears to look like God. If God called you to it, he will certainly see you through it and to it, in due season. For the word of God said that you shall reap in due season if you faint not. Gal 6:9 That does not mean that your season is now but in a while after you have been through something, after you have suffered a while for the Gospel truth. Don’t get off course. Stay on track! There are so many spirits in the world even now that come to interrupt you from the task and the assignment that God has you on right now. Form a sure relationship with God that you shall not be moved, be steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58 The word says that his sheep hear him, and he know them and they follow. Jn 10:27 Do you know the voice of God for your life? Whose voice are you listening to? Every man or woman that has a word is not for you, so don’t jump ship and move and venture to the left when God is still steering you toward the right. Remember many will be lead a stray by the falsely proclaimed, who say they come in the name of Christ. Many shall be deceived. Matt 24:5 They come in the name of the Father but some don’t even know the father. There is order in the kingdom of God. Are you in order and most importantly are you on the right pathway to the father, are you going the right way? If not repent and ask the Father today to guide you, and to open your eyes that you may see and hear what the spirit of God is saying to you in this hour. Be blessed today knowing God has a plan specifically for you!