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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Check yourself!

Many times in this walk with Christ we as Christians forget that we are not perfect yet we are so worried about cleaning the speck out of our brothers and sisters eye that we often forget to make sure that our walk is upright. It is so easy to get entangled with the lives of others that we actually miss what God is trying to do in our very own lives. If we would stop concerning ourselves with what other people are doing maybe, we can see that our robe, which should be white, is spotted with specks of dirt all over. Instead of praying about our brother and sister in Christ we began to talk about them, back bite and put our own spin on the matter when we should take the matter to God and leave it there. Who are you to say what is right or wrong in another’s walk with Christ. If they are veering to the left, pray for them and talk to them. We get in trouble with God and make the situation worse when we open our mouth and begin to add our own twist to the matter. At the end of the day, we would have spread a whole bunch of lies and caused a lot of rumors to be spread. Is that what God has called us as body of believers to do? Be contenders for the kingdom of God, stop destroying the kingdom. People of God we have got to get this thing right. We have got to put our own selfish agendas aside and really live a life poured out. When was the last time that you helped someone give their life to Christ? Instead we are making those that need and want Christ run from him. Do a shelf check today. Stop checking everyone else and check yourself. What’s the condition of your walk with Christ? Reference scripture KJV Luke 6:42 Matt 7:3-4

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