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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wealth and Riches in Christ

Is it me or does everyone who say they love Jesus have some type of ulterior motive, in that, they are trying to sale the world at large something? What do you think? I know the bible states the it is he who give thee power to get wealth. (Deu 8:18)  How are you helping the widows and orphans with this wealth?

1 comment:

  1. I have met a lot of people who use the name of Jesus with different motives in mind! And trust me, they haven't been motives of God. Thank you Jesus for a discerning spirit. The bible teaches us that we are suppose to give to widows and orphans, and my prayer is for me to give charitably; not just monetary, but with my volunteering services as well. Even with finances I pray to one day be blessed to have a "Giving Account", where I'm always giving to those that God leads me to give to. Even in prayer I find myself always interceding for those who were not afforded the same opportunities as I.
